Here's to FORTY
June 30, 2024

Thirty-nine years of life have taught me a lot, but I believe this past year helped me grow the most. It’s amazing what a good therapist, a loving husband, and supportive friends can do for a person. I also met with Brooks Vaughn, a women’s health practitioner, who has helped me more than she will ever know. Feel free to go back and read those blogs. I don’t think I’ve updated you since the beginning of the year, but things are really looking up! My last bloodwork showed improvements in almost all areas. We’re taking a deeper look at my thyroid and testosterone, but overall, I am feeling so much better. If you feel stuck, unwell, and your doctor says it’s normal because you’re aging, I highly recommend you reach out to Brooks. There are answers out there—you MUST advocate for yourself.

Once my hormones started to level out, I was ready to face other areas holding me back. A girls’ trip to Charleston gave me the push I needed to open up to my friends and share my scary thoughts. When I returned home, I laid it all out for my therapist. I wish I had done this long ago because I would have saved myself a lot of stress. With her guidance, I finally turned to Sam, letting him understand me a little better, and we are stronger than ever. I am a work in progress, but now I am not doing it alone. I am welcoming my 40th year on this earth with open arms.

Turning 40 has me reflecting on the things I love in life and what I am grateful for. I am so lucky to have awesome parents who are equally awesome grandparents. My brother, who has always been my best bud, gave me the most amazing sister and nieces. My husband treats me so well and is a wonderful partner in this crazy life. I love my kids more than they will ever know. They make me so proud. The Massey side of my family and all the adventures we have been on together. My friends, everyone I have met over the years—people I met through Sam, at RBES, the gyms I worked at, and my neighborhood soul sisters. I have so many amazing people in my life, and I hope they all know how much they mean to me.

When it comes down to it, people are the most important thing in life. Some things about me have never changed and never will: I love Jesus, I love animals, I love the water, I love the mountains, I love to laugh, I love football, I love running, I love Pilates, I love lifting weights, I love tequila, I love a girls trips, I love to dance, I love music, I love a beautiful sunrise, I love Ubering the kids around, I love learning new things, I love helping people, and I love my minivan. I have so many core memories that bring me joy when they flash in my head. Going down memory lane wasn’t always easy for me. I didn’t like myself for a while. I don’t think it showed in pictures because I am good at pushing things deep down. However, it comes to the surface eventually, so I might as well work through it and learn from it. I hope my daughter and son are not only kind to others but also to themselves. Loving Jesus, loving who you are, finding the people who love you as you are, and believing in your ability are prayers I pray for them.

So here’s to 40! Another year of learning, thriving, laughing, and loving. I will end with a haiku:

Forty years of light,
Blessings weave through joys and tears,
New dawn, heart takes flight.

Yes You Can,
