The AthHalf: 13.1 DONE!
October 30, 2023

Hey Massey FitFam! 🤗 It's been a wild ride, and I've got some exciting updates for you! 🎢

First things first, remember when I told you my training took an unexpected turn 🔄. After an awesome 10-mile run, I had a nasty bout of knee tendonitis. Ouch! 😫 But don't worry; I rested, went to the chiropractor, did full body cryotherapy & got a massage. I  came out stronger. I also figured out my race day essentials: knee braces, a fab Lululemon shirt, the perfect biker shorts, bombas running socks, my pickleball hat, New Balance running shoes and 1 beats solo in my right ear. I know, so specific.  We also implemented shorter runs for a healthier race day prep. 🦵💪

Fast forward to one week before the big race, and the excitement was palpable! 🏁 We had a blast with a pre-race pasta party in the neighborhood, where we carb-loaded like champs. 🍝🏡 Race day jitters? Oh yeah, we all had 'em! My anxiety even led to a bizarre dream about running laps in an elementary school because I missed the race - talk about stress! 😂

Race day finally arrived, and I was pumped! Got my outfit on point, prepped my essentials (hello, coffee,  Aussie Bites, u-can & jelly beans), and made a pit stop (nerves, you know). Then, it was time to line up at the start.

The first few miles were a breeze. But around mile 3, my left inner ankle started acting up. 🙄 No biggie, I pushed through. Mile 4 was good, but I needed a boost, and my amazing friend Katie Avery came to the rescue. She encouraged me and was there with me when I really needed her positivity👯! Family and neighbors cheered me on from miles 5 to 6 - their support was a game-changer! 🙌

As we hit the hills, Katie said a beautiful prayer, lifting our spirits. 🙏💕 Then came the real challenge: lots of hills, BIG HILLS, a bit of walking, and a mission to stay in front of the 2-hour pacer. My mantra? "YES I CAN!" 💪 I kept thinking of all my runner friends, which kept me going. I knew we were all out there giving it our best and I didn't want to let them down!

To be honest, the last 5 miles were a test of willpower. My ankle was a constant pain, but I never gave up. 👟🏔️ Encouragement from a kind stranger, plus the thought of tackling the last hill, pushed me forward. As I made the last turn toward the stadium, I saw my family again and I sprinted into Sanford Stadium. The emotions overwhelmed me - joy, gratitude, and pride.

Crossing the finish line with a chip time of 1:57 was a moment of triumph. 😅🙌 I celebrated with friends, shed tears, and couldn't catch my breath when my family joined in for the hugs. It felt like a dream come true. 🎉 All of our hard work paid off! It brought me SO much joy watching each person cross the finish line. They were strong, brave, courageous and inspiring!

Afterward, we gathered for a brunch feast at Hannah's, shared our race experiences, and celebrated with a shot of tequila. Cheers to our strength and badassery! 🥂💪 I capped off the afternoon with an ice bath that cured my inflammation, took a long nap and enjoyed dinner with friends.

But there's a twist in the story: my ankle isn't playing nice, and I'm self-diagnosing it as a high ankle sprain or a stress fracture. So, I'll be in a boot for a few weeks to recover. It's time to rest and heal so I can get back to doing what I love - running!

Believe it or not, I've fallen head over heels for running, and I can't wait for the next race. Thanksgiving Day, here I come! 🦃🏃‍♀️

Stay tuned for more updates and join me in celebrating the ups and downs of this incredible fitness journey. We've got this, ladies! 💪💃❤️

#RunningTriumphs #StrongerTogether #FitnessJourney #13.1 #halfmarathoncomplete #masseyfit 🏁🎉

