New Year, New Opportunities
January 8, 2024

Hey FitFam!

As I reflect on the incredible journey we've all had in 2023, I can't help but feel a surge of pride for each one of you, and yes, including myself! It's been a year of immense growth, triumphs, and embracing every step of this life and wellness journey. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting out, it's crucial to celebrate those small victories along the way.

As we step into 2024, many of us are gearing up with resolutions and goals. But let's not forget the importance of making these goals S.M.A.R.T – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic (or Relevant), and Time-Oriented. Goal setting is a personal passion of mine, and I've found that writing them down, sharing them with someone, and aligning them with our broader vision is a recipe for success. It's not about setting lofty goals that set us up for disappointment but focusing on the smaller steps and relishing in those achievements.🥳🏆

I recently worked on my vision board for 2024 🎨✂️✨, honing in on five key areas – God, Family, Friends, Fitness, and Business. Intentionality is key, and this year, I'm aiming to dive deeper into God's word by joining a study group, aligning my spiritual and social goals. Sundays are already something to look forward to as a few neighbors and I embark on a women's study journey.📖✝️

Family vision boards are a must, and mine is brimming with plans for more quality time – from traveling and game nights to attending UGA football games and daily walks with our four-legged friends.

As for fitness, no half marathons are on the horizon this year – maybe 10ks or 5ks are more my speed. Monthly runs with the Massey Fit Family and a commitment to lifting weights are in the cards.🏃‍♀️👟 🏁

Speaking of Massey Fit, I'm immensely proud of the strides we've made in 2023. My job is not just a job; it's a passion, a blessing. Working with amazing women fuels my spirit, and I'm eager to expand and welcome more motivated women into our small groups. Taking a cue from your valuable feedback, I'm adding different sessions on Fridays to accommodate your busy lives. If my schedule allowed for a session after 5 pm, I'd definitely host an evening workout. However, this current season of life prioritizes spending precious moments with my family during that time of day.

And on the note of friendship, I firmly believe that God calls us to be in community, to share our journeys with one another. This is precisely why my friendships hold such a special place in my heart. I can't fathom navigating this journey called life without these incredible women by my side! They're not just friends; they're my pillars of strength, my sounding boards, and they inspire me to be a better version of myself. It's a two-way street—we all juggle kids, jobs, and a million other things, yet investing in these friendships is like a breath of fresh air in my hectic life. Quality friendships demand effort, but that effort is a beautiful expression of love. Showing up for each other, in both big and small ways, is undeniably one of the greatest blessings in my life. After all, if you desire meaningful connections, you've got to sow the seeds of genuine effort and watch them bloom into something truly beautiful. 🌸💖

As we begin a new year, think about the opportunities awaiting you. Whether you're setting traditional goals or opting for a stress-free bingo card approach (shoutout to the TikTok creator who inspired this!), every achievement is a win. So, here's to embracing growth, setting intentional goals, and conquering 2024 together! 🎉💪 #NewYearNewGoals #FitFam #MasseyFitJourney #Goals2024

Yes You Can,

Morgan Massey