Faith That Fuels Me
October 11, 2023

Navigating Life's Challenges with Unwavering Trust

Life is a journey, filled with moments that challenge us, shape us, and ultimately define us. For me, that journey is intertwined with an unshakable faith in Jesus—a faith that not only guides me through the toughest trials but also amplifies the joys and victories that make life truly meaningful. In the midst of life's twists and turns, it's this unbreakable connection with my Savior that fuels me, propelling me forward with unwavering strength. The most important part of my day is early in the morning with Jesus. Depending on the day, I usually pour a cup of coffee, find a quiet place and open up the bible. I’ve tried so many devotions and I have many favorites but I think my all time favorite is New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. My goal is to spend 20-30 minutes in the quiet, meditating on God’s word and how I can live it out. I want to be a witness to others and a good example to my husband and kids. We regularly attend Athens Church because I believe God wants us to be in community with one another. When the lights darken and the music starts, I feel a tug at my heart to surrender. I love this time of the week, it fills my bucket and helps me reset for the week ahead. This world is full of distractions that can absolutely throw me off my path, but I always turn to Jesus...simply speaking His name can be enough. At Massey Fit my goal is to show others that love, I want them to see the light of Jesus in me.  

A Constant Presence: Finding Comfort in His Promise

There's an immense comfort in knowing that I am never alone. No matter the circumstances, I hold fast to the belief that Jesus is with me at all times. This awareness provides a solace that steadies my heart and empowers me to persevere. When challenges arise, I am strengthened by the assurance that I don't face them alone; I face them with the support of a loving and steadfast Father who wants the best for me. The most recent experience that comes to mind is training for the AthHalf. Running 13.1 miles scares me, but now I try to approach any hill or doubt by speaking the bible verse, Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Faith in Action: Balancing Trust and Effort

My faith doesn't teach me to sit idly by and wait for miracles to unfold. It teaches me that while God has great plans for me, I must also play an active role in achieving them. While it may not be easy, I trust that God has a plan for me. Psalms 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.” When I started Massey Fit I was not sure of myself and wondered how I could possibly make this dream come true. Then my dear friend Katie really encouraged me to take major steps in growing my business. She was the push I needed to get out of my comfort zone. Then a few months pass and I decided to join a Mastermind with my now Mentor, Amy Whipple. She also encouraged me through my fear. I believe Jesus put these two amazing women in my life to help me reach my goal of owning Massey Fit. In those moments of vulnerability, I discovered the sweetness that comes from surrendering to His will. I realized that the challenges I faced were opportunities for growth and the chance to witness His unwavering faithfulness in action. I'm reminded that blessings often come through hard work, determination, and resilience. This realization fuels my drive to put in the effort required to enjoy the abundant blessings that have been bestowed upon me.

Light in the Journey: Witnessing His Goodness Through Others

In my role as a fitness trainer, I witness the spectrum of human experiences—the laughter, the tears, and the triumphs of my clients. Through it all, I see the fingerprints of God's goodness. Each smile, each breakthrough, and each victory speaks to the incredible power of faith and its ability to transform lives. As I guide my clients through their own fitness journeys, I'm reminded of the immense privilege it is to play a part in revealing God's grace and love.

As I continue to work hard, trust unconditionally, and embrace life's challenges with faith in my heart, I'm filled with a profound sense of gratitude. The journey may not always be easy, but it's infinitely sweeter because I walk it hand in hand with the One who has promised to be with me every step of the way.

