Cooper River Bridge Run
April 8, 2024

What a weekend! Seriously, it was one for the books. I had high hopes going into it, but wow, did it exceed all expectations. Let me take you on a journey through the 47th Annual Cooper River Bridge Run – trust me, you’ll want to hear all about it.

So, rewind to September 2023 when my running crew and I committed to this adventure. We had birthdays to celebrate, challenges to conquer, and a whole lot of fun ahead of us. Fast forward to the actual weekend, and we were out the door at the crack of dawn, racing to Charleston like it was the Olympics.

First stop: the expo. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how smoothly that was run? Props to the organizers for putting together such an epic event. There were so many awesome vendors  and then we treated ourselves to some well-deserved brews at the beer garden. The vibes were infectious, everyone was so happy and excited for the run!

After scoring an amazing Air BnB within walking distance of everything, we found our friends that were already there and stumbled upon this gem of a rooftop bar called Pour. Unlimited beer options and the best appetizers - the brussel sprouts were outstanding! 

Dinner at Tempest was the perfect prelude to race day. We soaked in the downtown energy, knowing we had an early morning ahead. And boy, was it an early one. Getting to the shuttle took a while, but they constantly had them  running.  Once we were on our way, the excitement kicked in. 

Race day itself was a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, nerves, and plenty of laughs. Despite a close call with the porta-potty line, we made it to the start just in time to join the masses. Dodging walkers and weaving through the crowd, we finally hit our stride on the bridge. I tried my best to be present and enjoy the gorgeous weather, the enormity of the bridge and the music!  

Those last couple of miles were pure magic. With the finish line in sight and the crowd cheering us on, I summoned every last ounce of energy for a sprint to the finish. Crossing that line was a victory in itself, regardless of the clock. My goal was 50 minutes or less, I got in just under 53 minutes, so I am pleased! 

Post-race festivities did not disappoint. From live music to mouthwatering treats, we soaked up every moment. And let’s not forget the impromptu brunch at Republic – mango beer and biscuits for the win.

As the day wound down, we found ourselves on yet another rooftop, soaking in the sunset and savoring the memories. Exhausted but elated, we toasted to an unforgettable weekend.

The next morning called for a well-deserved breakfast at The Daily, complete with avocado toast and lattes to recharge our batteries. Reflecting on the adventure, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the amazing women by my side.

So, if you ever get the chance to experience the Cooper River Bridge Run, seize it with both hands. Trust me, the vibes alone are worth it. And if you’re lucky enough to have a tribe like mine, hold onto them tight – they’re the ones who make every step of the journey worthwhile.

Yes You Can,
